The Youthy Blog

Youthy | adjective \ˈyüthē, -thi\
Affecting youth or youthful habits

What is this blog and who is it for?

Blogs, resources, websites, materials, and a wealth of Christianly wisdom about your children. Whether you’re raising a rambunctuous toddler, a middle-schooler, or about to graduate a Senior, this blog is for parents who desire to instill the teachings of Christ within the home.   


Why You Should Know About ’13 Reasons Why’

One of the newest sensations for Youth culture has been the show ’13 Reasons Why’ on Netflix. Trevin Wax, on The Gospel Coalition, offers his analysis of what you need to know about the show and why it matters.


Exhausted Mom, Lift Your Eyes

Although this blog is technically for the younger mother, the same principles apply for the exhausted mother of a teenager. Read how Stacy Reoach encourages mothers to “display Christ” in the mundane work & everyday encounters with your child(ren).


Discipling Lifelong Learners

When Jesus gave the Great Commission, he didn’t tell his disciples to go into all the world to induce authentic worship experiences with the proper use of stage lighting, fog machines, and powerful sound systems. He also didn’t encourage his followers merely to make one-time converts, but rather he said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Mt 28:19).


Mom, Do You Feel Appreciated?

Author, pastor, and speaker, Paul David Tripp asks a heart-probing question: “Mom, why do you serve?” Rather than serving in order to be appreciated, maybe we serve for the applause of Someone else?


Prisoners of Self: Incessant Biography in the Smartphone Age

Tony Reinke offers some biblical wisdom for parents and youth alike on the narcissism that phones can erupt within the heart and some wise ways to counter these disruptions.


Ministry Matters: More on Mentoring

Blogger Melissa Kruger looks at Sarah Hunt’s book on spiritual motherhood and some key principles of mentorship. She also shares a number of resources in this post! 

Trusted Resources for Parents of Youth
